
Fetal Anomaly was created by accident in Spring 2021 when trying to create a physical representation of the word "divinity". 

Embodying the divine was an assignment I received in an elective class on assemblage I took while working on my BFA in Illustration. The assignment was incredibly open ended--what does the word "divinity" mean to you? From this came my first bone rosary, made of rattlesnake vertebrae, abalone shells, and a jar of dried blue lotus flowers. The rosary combined traditional iconography of Western religion with natural materials as a way to replace Christianity with the worship of nature. Rather than thinking of a traditional god figure as divine, I view everything within nature as sacred. 


When sharing this first piece online, I had no intention of making more, but eventually fell into selling them during the summer of 2021 after the internet took interest. The bone rosary was originally a fine art piece not even meant for daily wear but rather to express an idea that is integral to how I view the world, and ideas around spirituality. The use of bones across all pieces honors the animal they came from and offers a second life beyond death. The bone rosaries have evolved past this idea, and now connect people from all walks of life. My hope for Fetal Anomaly is for my rosaries and bone jewelry to be wearable pieces of art. 

This shop is managed entirely by one person. Whatever these pieces mean to you, thank you endlessly for your support of Fetal Anomaly.